Frame-Mount Glassbreak Detector, 10ft (3 m) – DS1109I

SKU: DS1109I

SKU: DS1109I Category: Tag:

Technical Specifications

  • Dimensions: 1.25 in. x 3.75 in. x 0.88 in. (3.2 cm x 9.5 cm x 2.3 cm)
  • Material: high-impact ABS plastic enclosure
  • Power supply: 21 mA nominal at 12 V dC
  • Voltage: 9 to 15 Vdc
  • Operating temperature: -20°F to +120°F (-29°C to +49°C)
  • Detection range: 10 ft (3 m)
  • Microprocessor-based SAT
  • Automatic environmental test circuitry
  • Built-in door or window contact





CategoriesCatégories +

BrandMarque +

TechnologyTechnologie +

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Channels +


ResolutionRésolution +

LensLentille +

ColorCouleur +

NDAA complianceConformité NDAA +

Dual VoltageDouble voltage +


LiteLite +

Infrared perimeter Périmètre infrarouge +

Fixed dome microphoneMicrophone à dôme fixe +

Analog HDHD analogique +

Covert CameraCaméra cachée +

Internet ProtocolProtocole internet +